What’s Measured is What Improves

What gets measured is what we pay attention to. What we pay attention to receives more time and effort put into it. What sees more time and effort is what improves.

When I wanted my diet to improve, I used MyFitnessPal to measure my calories, sugar, and protein. When I wanted my basketball shooting to improve, I counted my shots made, my percentages, and tracked it. The same goes for my academics, my weightlifting, running, reading, and writing.

Whenever I was at my prime in those activities I was measuring it extremely closely.

Now, I’m on a bigger scale. I want everything to improve. I want to measure more.

Measuring our progress takes time- it takes a few minutes to write the numbers down and to track our progress. I’m not a numbers guy and often find over measuring to be a distraction. However, those moments each day used to measure are a rewarding investment to make sure we are doing what we need to every day (consistency) and that we are doing it to the best of our ability (persistency).

To measure more, each day I am tracking everything I accomplish in my journal. It will motivate me to want to do more with my day, to be productive, and to do the right thing. I want a long list of accomplishments each day to look back on and smile about. It holds me accountable because if I have a lazy day I am forced to face that fact.

This list will make me:

  1. Do more and pay attention to the small goals I can fulfill each day.
  2. To accomplish the small tasks each day that will make me happy to reflect on.

Most of us don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we can (and do) accomplish on the daily. Results take time to see, and this delay is usually uninspiring. I want to bridge that gap by knowing every little bit of progress I make each day will go appreciated and acknowledged.

At the end of each day I strive to have a list of the things I accomplished that I’m proud of. It shows that even though you can’t see the progress, it is there. Bit by bit those daily lists will turn into massive, rewarding things.

I challenge you to do the same. Make a list of all the things you’ve accomplished today. Give yourself the credit. Do more with your day. Stay on track.

What get’s measured is what improves. Measure more.

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