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“Why Travelers Are Richer Than You” Blog Series

This is a blog series to give you the highlights of each chapter. The post for each chapter will include thought exercises and guidance for the respective topics in the book. For the fine details check out the book on Amazon, releasing in October 2022. There are 19 chapters in Why Travelers Are Richer Than…

How to Read a Book in 30 Minutes

(2 min. read) After reading a book per week for an entire year, I learned a few things I wish I knew when I was younger. Not all books are worth finishing After a certain amount of pages of reading a book, you have the right to put it down and pick up a different…

Wasted Time From Distracting Vices

(2 min reading time) Bad habits waste much more of our time, focus, and energy than we think. The time spent in real time satisfying urges like social media, Netflix, or videogames is only a fraction of the damages. During the act of satisfying the urge. For Netflix or social media, this may be 30…

Military Perks are Worth $32,000 a Year

This article explores the cash values of military perks, which help military members decide between staying in the service or taking a civilian job. While serving 10 years in the military, members can earn an extra $32,000 in value per year compared to civilians. If serving less than 10 years, military members can earn an…


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